Mar 20, 2009

Blogging with Windows Live Writer (WLW) from Ubuntu

Not long ago as for my CPE416 Distributed Systems assignment I installed a second OS Ubuntu plus the pre-installed Windows to my Thinkpad T43. Ubuntu is great and I thought I would erase the whole hardhard and then switch from Windows to Ubuntu completely. Before I actually carried out this I found some Windows thing that I would miss from Ubuntu. That is Windows Live Writer. I really like this piece of software - it helps me a lot when I update my blog. Ahhh, then what to do?

Now the problem is solved (nothing is difficult if you take serious of it! :)). I came across this post "How to install Windows Live Writer in Ubuntu(Linux)" when google-ing for the solution. It is easy to deal with the problem. As the blog owner Harihara Kumar put it, what I need to do is just follow the precedure "VirtualBox -> Windows -> WLW". And now it's time to starting blogging locally with WLW!

Following is a screen shot of WLW in Windows in VirutalBox in Ubuntu. hahah!


Don't know what is VirutalBox? "VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software. " Want more? No problem. Take a look at its official site: Here.

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